Spellcraft (Tutorial)

See also the official AE forum's Guide to Spellcrafting.

Here's some Spellcraft Highlights.

You need any of the following items (click to see location):
*Mystic Quills
*Mystic Parchment
*Mystic Shards
*Arcane Quill (15 AC)

Merge them at these shops:
*Spell Ink
*AC Spell Inks

  1. /join spellcraft
  2. Click "Begin" then select an ink.
  3. Drag and drop the runes you see at the left side unto to the parchment at the right.
  4. The arrangement and type of runes you use will determine what scroll you'll create.
  5. See the List of Inks below to see how to make certain scrolls.
*Farming for Mystic Shards at /timespace also lets you farm for EXP.
*(Works only for some browsers.) Open the images of rune patterns in different tabs while you spellcraft. Mouse over the tab to see them while you're on the AQ tab.
* Check Madam Lofty's guide for scrolls categorized according to INT or STR.


List of Inks