Artifact Hunter

Enchancements: Full Luck
                              Health Vamp(Luck)

*Free Player (AC's - Merge) - Requires 100 Ancient Artifact
*Free Player (AC's) - Costs 200 AC's

Useful Links:
*Design Notes - Class Breakdown
*Youtube Video - Skill Demo

General Startegy
 Open with with 3rd skill (Shiny mirror Shield), then the 4th Skill (Destiny or Doom). Spam the 1st and 2nd Skill for Continues Stun(as it only lasts for 2 seconds) and DoT. 

Watch you Health as the final skill will either give you Destiny buff (gives you HoT and buff Int and Haste) or Doom buff (Increases your Damage Output)

Learn to use this class and you'll barely run out Mana, or have you HP drained.

Applicable for All areas of Combat

*The 3rd skill is similar to Pyromancers Burning ward.

How to beat:
Watch its buffs as it can Stun, Deal DoT and Deflect your Damage. You should be able to do fine once you're aware of this.