Chaos Slayer

Useful Links
*Design Notes - For basic info.
*Design Notes 2 - For skill effects.
*Wikidot - View its different forms. (All variants have the same skills.)
*Zereledo's Video - For skill demo.

Full Lucky; Spiral Carve or Heal Vamp (to utilize auto-attack which has 3 targets).

How To Farm With Chaos Slayer: Use the skill rotation as follows: Chaorruption, Enigma, Pandemonium, Surge. (When facing one enemy at a time.)

Use the skill rotation as follows: Enigma, Pandemonium, Surge, Chaorruption. (When facing 2 or more enemies.)


Similar to farming except that you must use 1st skill. Watch your health. The 3rd skill can be tricky to use.

f you're up against one enemy you should start with the skill Chaorruption, which will increase your crit and hit chance by 10% for 5 secs, then use the skill Enigma which will apply a random effect (example: target take 50% more damage for 10 secs, lowers the target's hit chance for 10 secs, reduce their dodge chance by 40% for 10 secs or highten their attack damage by 50% for 10 secs.), then use the skill Pandemonium which will do massive damage to your opponent(s). Then at last use the skill Surge, which will reduce all the damage you take for 6 secs or heal you a moderate amount for 6 secs.

How to beat
The Chaos Slayer's highest stats lies in Intellect, Strenght and Luck. Which makes it a hard class to defeat. It uses the same Mana-regeneration system as a Mage-based class, but it is an Physical/Magical hybrid. To defeat this class you should fight fire with fire by using a Physical/Magical hybrid like: Chaos Slayer, Elemental Dracomancer or DarkBlood StormKing.

NOTE: Chaos slayer can give a buff to a target called Couragous, It will apply Paragon which will increase their outgoing damage by 500%. So, be cautious not to activate this buff on your targets in PvP.