Class Personality Type

Just for fun, this page correlates the 16 personality types from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator with the different classes of AQW.  The types are divided into 4 categories.

The pairing with type and classes are based purely on opinion. Don't take your personality type as a limit to what classes you can use in-game.

If you want to find out your personality type, you can use this or try out other tests you can find in the Internet. Taking multiple tests can be useful to see your other possible types.

Note: People are not divided into 16 profiles; we're more complicated than that. If you don't like your class result, try the other types that are close to your own.

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ESFJ (Provider) - Warrior, Warlord
ESTJ (Supervisor) -  Dragonslayer, Elemental Dracomancer
ISFJ (Protector) - Defender, Blood Titan
ISTJ (Inspector) - Ninja, Assassin


ESFP (Performer) - Rogue, Renegade
ESTP (Promoter) - Ranger
ISFP (Composer) - Bard
ISTP (Crafter) - Arachnomancer


ENTP (Inventor) - Enforcer, Rustbucket, ProtoSartorium
ENTJ (Fieldmarshal) - DoomKnight,
INTP (Architect) - Mage, Sorcerer
INTJ (Mastermind) - Necromancer, Archfiend


ENFP (Champion) - Paladin, Alpha Omega
ENFJ (Teacher) - Thief of Hours
INFP (Healer) - Healer, Acolyte
INFJ (Counselor) - Shaman, Evolved Shaman