Experience and Class Points Farming

If you've just started playing AQW, we strongly suggest following the storyline first or unlocking certain areas and quests. That way, you can gain experience without the stress of effort while enjoying the game.

Other EXP Guides:
*AE Forums - A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (Ctrl + F : Experience & Class Points)


  • Use a farming class such as Royal Battlemage, Dragonlord or Evolved Shaman. Some classes may farm better in certain areas.  
  • Reduce lag by playing at low graphics and hiding equipments.
  • Play music while you farm. Your perception of time will be accelerated. 
  • Spells created by Fading Ink can also be useful in farming.
  • If there are other players and you have a heal spell, cast it.
Suggested Areas
  • /join pirates
  • /join timespace
  • /join shadowrealm (Requires level 45.)
  • /join vordredbattle (Unlocked in Storyline.)
  • /join battlegrounde (Level 61 and above.)
  • /join honorhall (Upgrade required.)
  • /join nightmare (For class points.)

For more options or details on farming areas, click here.

Class Points Farming
Farm in areas with a lot of monsters close to your level. (But not 20 levels lower than your own.) In some cases, farming CP in /pirates is faster than /shadowrealm if you're not too high leveled.