Darkblood Stormking

Enhancements: Full Wizard

*Free Player - Rank 10 Thunderforge. Farm at /deathpits for rep. Take the Bone Ladder quest.
*Free Player (ACs) - Costs 2,000 ACs.

Useful links:
*Zereldo's Video - For skill demo.
*Design Notes - Cysero's class breakdown.
*Forums - Ctrl + F (DSK)

Start: 4, 2, 5, spam 2, 3, 4, spam 2
3, spam 2

General Strategy
Open with 3rd skill (Thunderclap). Regain mana with 1st skill (Storm Call) follow by 4th skill (Ball Lightning). Keep using 1st skill (Storm Call) to regain some mana.

You may cast 2nd skill (Skyfire) to deal more damage followed by Thunderclap to regain more mana. If you're running low on life but with a lot of mana, use Skyfire and Storm Call to heal yourself.

Applicable in PvP and on monsters.

Whenever you use 2nd or 3rd skill, take note of which enemies you missed as the effect of your first skill depends on the debuff on your target. You may use your last skill to finish off enemies but don't overuse it as you may run out of mana too fast.

How to Beat
DBSK requires that you have a debuff in order for its skills to work. If you have stun, use that to wear off the debuff and ruin their strategy. You could also wait for them to waste their mana then stun them  before they attempt to recover.

Watch out for their auto-attacks; it's based on their spell power.

Auto-attack is based on INT but deals physical damage. (That means the attack won't be reduced by Chaos Slayer's rank 10 passive.)