Useful links:
* Wikidot - The class costs 0 ACs. You can get it from the Game Menu.
* Zereldo's Guide - For skill demo.
* Design Notes - For skill breakdown and different effects. Notice the FB references.
Enhancements: Full Luck (to make the 1st skill powerful) / Full Wizard (for improved heals)
PvP: Before the battle begins, you may cast your 3rd skill to buff yourself. Use your last skill to lock on your target and land a good debuff on them.
Your last skill may also be a good finisher if you use Wizard.
Activate 1st skill then ram your opponent. Your skills should hit well while giving you back mana. Depending on your foe, you might wanna run away once the 1st skill's buff fades.
If you have spare mana, use your 3rd skill to renew the buff. You may save some mana for heals.
How to Beat: Flee from Oracles when they use their first skill. Or stun them when they have a lot of self-buffs to waste it.
Careful about wasting your mana against them. They can easily gain it back if they start attacking you with their 1st skill.