Article: Fallacies You See In AQW
Ever encounter that random guy at Yulgar's who acts smart but the stuff they say don't make sense? How about a person who's trying to prove his/her point but with a very faulty reasoning?
You may have stumbled upon Logical Fallacies. Given that AQW is a game for all ages, it can't be avoided. But let's try to identify them anyway. (Expect this list to get updated.)
"A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning. An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true."
Hasty Generalization
"Everyone I duel in Safiria are PvP elitists. Therefore everyone who goes to Safiria are PvP elitists."
"I don't like some of their members. That guild is full of rude people."
Notice how you lack enough data to make such a bold claim. The experience may be true for you but not for everyone else. Plus, it's wrong to judge the whole by its faulty parts.
Appeal to Accomplishment
"You can't criticize the guild leader. You haven't lead your own guild."
"You can't make suggestions for AQW. You're not a programmer."
"I've made a lot of AQW videos. You know nothing."
"I've played AQW since 2008. I know way more than you."
Notice how it makes a person look immune to criticism. Other people have the right to voice out their concerns especially if they're affected by certain decisions. Imagine if people aren't allowed to critic their politicians.
Argument from Authority
"Alina said it, so it must be true."
Ever had that awkward moment when you know that your school teacher is saying something wrong but your classmates believe it anyway? Heck, even scientists can be wrong at times. The importance is the statement, not the person. Even famous people of great fields can be wrong.
False Authority
"I'm high leveled. Therefore I'd make a good guild leader or officer."
Reflect for a moment how exactly do certain unrelated accomplishments make you better than everyone at everything.
Association Fallacy
"Ultra Elemental is an upgraded version of Evolved Shaman because Ultra is the next step after Evolved."
"Ultra Elemental Warrior is an upgrade of Elemental Dracomancer because they're both elemental."
"Chaosweavers must be chaorrupted monsters because it has chaos in its name."
The fault is basically if A is B, A is C, therefore all Bs are Cs. To make it clear, all cats are animals but not all animals are cats. See how absurd that is?
Honor by Association
"I'm a member of a famous guild. Therefore I'm famous."
Being part of something does not automatically make you what your group represents.
Appeal to the People
"My guildmates support me. I must be right."
"Everyone says that Necro reduces drop right. It must be true."
"You're stupid for not buying an item that everyone else likes.
There was a time when everyone believed that the world is flat. There was also a time when everyone thought that tomatoes were poisonous. The truth doesn't care if the majority believes it. In fact, it's fairly easy to deceive the masses. Just look at the crap people share in Facebook.
Argument from Fallacy
"You made a fallacy! Therefore you're wrong!"
Just a way to conclude this list. Remember, fallacies are faulty arguments, not faulty facts. Pointing out fallacies is merely a way to say why you're not convinced by certain claims. It makes a great intellectual discussion if you're familiar with them. Plus, it'll help you extract the truth.