Fighter(for class) and Luck for the rest (Consistent Damage and Fair crits)
*Free player(no link at the moment) - Requires rank 10 lycan, Costs 50,000 gold
*Free player(ACs) - Costs 2,000 ACs
Useful Links:
*Design Notes - for class breakdown
*Scent Tracking: Hit chance increased by 10%
*Thick Fur: Damage Taken reduced by 15%
General Strategy
you can either start with 3rd skill(Pouncing strike) to reduce your opponents chance of Crits or the 4th skill (howl of terror) if you want to risk the chance of stunning your opponent, then the 2nd skill (Thrill of battle) to add HoT to yourself. spam 1st skill (savagery) and 2nd skill, but watch your Mana!.
to finish the battle, click the 1st skill, followed by the 3rd skill to land a powerful crit! (you can also use this in the beginning of the battle for Fast-Kill(if your damage is strong enough)
(Applicable for all types of Combat)
*you must be close to your opponent for a successful crit.
*the 4th skill deals no damage, but lends 4 different lengths of stun(assuming that you were able to stun them)
*The 1st skill is a guaranteed hit, so there's no chance of missing it.
*1st and 2nd skill are Multi-target skills
How to beat:
Lycan is a pretty Balanced Powerhouse. It has an unmissable skill, an HoT skill, a skill that reduces your Crit chance, and can stun you. a dodge base class can survive this (tho not all its attacks) cause lycan has a Warrior-based Mana regen, you can use it to your advantage